Why You Should Do Pick a Pearl at ‪Epcot

Why You Should Do Pick a Pearl at ‪Epcot

pick a pearl in epcot

Have you done Pick a Pearl in Japan at ‪Epcot‬?

MAKE SURE you make a few minutes for it on your next trip. It was very reasonable, fun, and makes for a great keepsake! (It was $17 when we went)

Here is how it works:
1. Go to any register and buy a voucher, you are given paper ticket and a number (like a deli counter)

2. When your number is called, you will get to pick any oyster you want- it is rumored you should pick the ugliest oyster for the best pearl… It might be fun for the children to try and find the ugliest one, but I’m not sure of the validity of that one!

3. With GREAT pomp and celebration, your oyster is opened, cleaned and sized.  You receive your clean oyster in a small plastic baggie.

4. On the sides of the island counter are glass cases with setting you can purchase for your oyster  (they also have a small glass jar with sand for $5 (PERFECT for boys who don’t want to be left out) the Cinderella carriage pearl cage is $65 (or $8 on ebay)

If you want one of the settings, cages or jars- pay at the oyster registers and they will set your oyster for you for free. *the cage in the store is real stainless steel, whereas the one on ebay probably isn’t*

IMG_6325Reason #437 to dressup every day at ‪Disney‬:
You get extra magic and attention!

Out of the big crowd, our Snow White Dress at Walt Disney World Epcot caught this sweet cast member’s eye- she made a big deal about how beautiful our princess was in her dress, made her an origami swan and wrote her name on it in Japanese.

Our princess loved it!

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